These enchiladas are a filling and flavorful recipe that will satisfy everyone, even non-vegetarians. These are best when you use really large tortilla...
This delicate torta makes a lovely luncheon dish. Served with our Warm Bean, Snap Pea, and Tomato Salad, it is perfect for a springtime supper. To drain...
This is a delicious vegetarian side dish with any type of entree. Watch it disappear. Great pot luck dish, as it can be served right from the oven or just...
This is a very easy and very filling weeknight meal and is easy to switch up depending on what is in the pantry. Toss the potato in the oven, turn on the...
This is a very easy and very filling weeknight meal and is easy to switch up depending on what is in the pantry. Toss the potato in the oven, turn on the...
This is a very easy and very filling weeknight meal and is easy to switch up depending on what is in the pantry. Toss the potato in the oven, turn on the...
Easy to prepare, low carb, vegetarian, and so tasty! Halloumi cheese, mushrooms, and tomatoes are threaded onto skewers, grilled, and served on a bed of...
I made up this simple recipe about a year ago that I thought was similar to peanut butter and jam! Since then I have been hooked and haven't eaten any...
Very tasty and creamy. Cauliflower rice risotto, with spinach, mushrooms, and button tomatoes makes this dish a wholesome keto-friendly meal. I topped...
For a quick snack, I buy the small tortilla shells in the refrigerated section in the store. I then spread peanut butter and or bananas/raisins on, fold...
Veggie burgers with a kick! My husband and I are not vegetarians at all, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of chicken and meat we eat because...
These meatballs use pecan meal as a meat replacement. They are so good, you don't even miss the meat! This recipe does have eggs and cheese in it, so it...
These meatballs use pecan meal as a meat replacement. They are so good, you don't even miss the meat! This recipe does have eggs and cheese in it, so it...
These crispy patties are a perfect substitute for a burger. Serve in a pita with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, and you've got yourself a great Mediterranean...
This is a very easy and very filling weeknight meal and is easy to switch up depending on what is in the pantry. Toss the potato in the oven, turn on the...
Crisp potato pancakes called latkes are part of Hanukkah celebrations. We've kept the traditional frying method (and sour cream to go with them), but refreshed...
I just threw this together one day for a party where I knew there wouldn't be any sandwiches for us non meat eaters. Definitely not for the Vegan. This...
This is a delicious kabli pulao made in a pressure cooker. The rice gets infused with flavor and has the perfect texture. This is a must-try! You can also...
A savory vegetarian pilaf of millet and vegetables, flavored with rosemary and wine. My daughter loved that it was made with 'birdseed' and she gave it...
This vegetarian staple features a crunchy bread crumb topping. Make it the centerpiece of your meal, and serve with a savory vegetarian gravy, mashed potatoes,...
This North African one-dish-meal is so fast, easy, and delicious. Be sure to cook your sauce until the veggies are nice and soft and sweet. Once the eggs...